Strength: Bench press 5-5-5-5-5 Then, “Tabata This” – complete 8 Tabata intervals of each movement with one minute of rest between: KB Swing (24/16k) Squat Pull-up Push-up Sit-up
As of now CrossFit Johns Creek is a sanctioned United States Weightlifting Club. I would like to see us compete in some of the upcoming local meets, and possibly qualify for more regional [...]
Partner up for “Deck of Death” For two minutes, partners should accumulate as many double-under as possible. Then each partner starts their half of the deck. If one of you finishes [...]
Strength: Deadlift – work to a heavy single Then, six rounds for time of: 3 Deadlifts at 80% of heavy single 10 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1) 10 Grasshoppers (L+R=1) We had lots of PRs on [...]
Strength: Front Squats – 3-3-3-3-3 Then, AMRAP 15 minutes, beginning with 15 reps of all three exercises. The next round should be 14 reps of all.. and so on. How low can you go? KB swings [...]