12.4 CF Games Open WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 150 Wall ball shots (20lb to 10′ target/14lb to 9′ target) 90 Double-unders 30 Muscle-ups
“White” Five rounds for time of: 3 Rope ascents to 15′ 10 Toes to bar 21 Walking lunge steps with 45/25lb plate held overhead Run 400 meters U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ashley [...]
Strength: Power cleans – work to a heavy set of 3 reps Then, for time: Power clean and burpee ladder: 10 Power clean (135lb/85lb) 1 burpee 9 clean 2 burpee 8 clean 3 burpee 7 clean 4 burpee [...]
Strength: Strict press – work to a heavy set of 3 Then, AMRAP 6 minutes – rest 1 minute – AMRAP 6 minutes, of: 5 Dead-hang pull-ups 10 Push-ups 10 KB swings (24/16k) Run 200m
CrossFit Games Open 12.3 AMRAP 18 minutes of: 15 Box jumps (24/20″) 12 Push-press* (115/75lb) 9 Toes to bar * can also be strict press, push-jerk, or split jerk
Strength: Bench press – work to a heavy set of 5 Then, 15 minute AMRAP of: 5/5 Step ups into a 20″ box with plate locked out overhead (45/25lb) 20 Doulble-unders 10/10 Grasshoppers
Strength: Deadlift – work up to a heavy set of 5 Then, “CFJC Benchmark:” For time: Run 400m (run only once) Then three rounds of: 5 Pull-ups 10 KB swings (24/16k) 10 Burpees