It was raining as I drove in this morning and the weather called for thunderstorms later, so we changed the WOD. It is now: “Odd Tabata Intervals” Perform Tabata intervals of the [...]
Strength: Squat – Work to a heavy set of 3 Then, AMRAP 20 minutes of: 5 Push-up 7 Toes-to-bar 12 Power snatch (75/55lb) At some point during this WOD you must complete a 1000m row.
“In-A-Gadda-da-Vida” This WOD is in honor and for the most part originates from suggestions from CFJC athlete, Chuck “McEnroe ” Lia, who celebrates his 150th WOD with us. [...]
Strength: 20 minutes to establish a one-rep max deadlift Then, AMRAP 20 minutes of: Run 400m with a heavy sandbag (50/35lb) or awkward object (45/35lb plate or 20/16lb med ball) 10/10 KB Cleans [...]