Our goal for our athletes is for y’all to get move better and more efficiently every day and to have FUN while you are doing it. If you peek at the WOD before-hand and see a movement that you cannot do well, you need to work on it.

Skipping a WOD because you know you can’t Rx it is your ego getting in the way of you getting better. Also know that if there is a movement in the WOD, that you actually cannot do due to injury or lack of range of motion, it will be subbed out. We had a few athletes on Tuesday who performed Front Squats or Power Cleans instead of Overhead Squats.

It just seems that whenever we put Overhead Squats in the WOD, a lot of athletes seem to get stuck in traffic and can’t make their way in to work on the stuff that they are not good at. Weird traffic patterns here in Johns Creek. OK… Rant over…

Strength: Deadlift
5 reps at 75% of 1RM
5 reps at 80% of 1 RM
3 reps at 85% of 1 RM

If you do not have a 1RM, work to a heavy set of 3

Then, 15 minute AMRAP of:

  • 21 Walking lunge steps with plate locked overhead (45/25lb)
  • 10/10 KB Cleans (24/16kg)
  • 20/20 Flutter kicks

*At some time during this WOD perform 10/10/10 of Tsunami ropes


