Happy Birthday, Magik Mike!!
Strength: Deadlift – Working off your 3 rep max – warm up then bump to 1×5 reps@75%, 1×5 reps @80%, 2×5 reps (TWO sets of 5) at 85%
Then, 2 minute AMRAP of:
- 6 Push-ups
- 9 Squats
- 15 Double-unders
Rest 1 minute
4 minute AMRAP of (the same stuff):
- 6 Push-ups
- 9 Squats
- 15 DUs
Rest 1 minute
6 minute AMRAP of (the same stuff):
- 6 Push-ups
- 9 Squats
- 15 DUs
Your score combines all your rounds and then all your leftover reps.