Warm up: 3-in-3 of squat, push-up, jumping jacks
Mobility: 10 arm circles forward/backward, static spider man holds, banded shoulder distraction, lax ball shoulder smash to wall or pull-up rig, roll out lats in overhead position
Strength: Overhead squat 2-2-2-2-2
Conditioning: “CFJC Benchmark” – 10 min time cap – RX is ON
For time:
- Run 400m (once)
Then, 3 RFT of:
- 5 Pull-ups
- 10 KB swings (24/16k)
- 10 Burpees
The last time we did this WOD (August 26) we did not post the scores (oops!). Here is a link to the scores from the time before that: http://www.crossfit-johnscreek.com/wod-for-monday-july-15-2013/