Warm-up: Three rounds of 10 squats, 10 sec pull-up bar hold, 10 lunges (L+R=2)

Mobility: Russian baby maker, couch stretch or super couch variation for those who have good ROM in quads and hips (BSL pg 334), shoulder rotator smash and floss (pg 250)

Strength: 20 min to complete – Squat 1×10@60%, 1×8@65%, 1×6@70%, 1×6@75%, 1×6@80%. Please remember you will likely need to decrease the weight to get all the reps in. Beginners should instead perform 5-5-5-5-5.

Conditioning: AMRAP 10 min
800m buy in run (only 1x) then finish AMRAP with:

  • 7 Wallballs (20/14lb)
  • 7 Pull-Ups

L3 = Ball over red stripe, CTB


