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Our Better Than Bootcamp class is a fun workout that will challenge you and get real results!

But how is it better than bootcamp classes?

Bootcamp classes typically throw in a lot of low-skill movements randomly into a long workout just to make you sweat. They offer little to no coaching on the movements and although you may sweat a lot, it’s hard to measure your actual progress. They are typically run by trainer-cheerleaders in a the-more-the- merrier fashion, which can make you feel lost in a class.

Better than Bootcamp is:

  • Professionally programmed to help you meet your goals. Workouts are not random but have a specific response we are looking for over time. While most people want to look and feel better, we believe that is the end result of becoming more fit. You can’t measure your progress by a subjective measure such as how you look. Instead, we track several points of data to measure your progress over time. How do you know if you are improving your fitness level if you don’t have data to support it?
  • Small group training with a limited class size (12). Each class is instructed by a professional coach who are encouraging without being merely cheerleaders. Our coaches are skilled at instructing athletes how to do movements well. Even a movement as seemingly simple as a push-up or squat needs coaching to be able to do it correctly.

Attendance to our Better than Bootcamp classes is available as a separate membership. Each membership includes periodic, scheduled time with a coach to make sure you are meeting your goals.

What is class like?
Each Better than Bootcamp class starts with a group warm-up and mobility. Then the coach will outline the workout of the day, demonstrate the movements and help you select your implements. Then it’s go time! Each class lasts 45 minutes from start to end.

What types of movements will be included?
We mix running, rowing, biking with body weight movements, such as the squat, push-up, pull-up, lunge, sit-up, and box jumps or step-ups. Add to that a sampling of movements with dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, and medicine balls.

What data do you track?
We track your body composition along with workout specific data such as how many rounds you were able to complete in a given time frame or how long it took you to complete a task. We also track the weights of the implements you use in the workouts. We will repeat a workout from time to time to see how you have improved over time. We measure every single Better than Bootcamp workout; we are obsessed with data.

When are the classes?
Classes have already started in a limited way. Our schedule will be expanding to offer classes M-F as of Feb 18. As of Feb 18, classes will run:

  • Monday – 6 am & 9:30 am
  • Tues – 6:30 pm (formerly known as the ‘Where’s Da Cardio at’ class)
  • Wed – 6 am & 12:30 pm
  • Thurs – 6:00 am
  • Friday- 9:30 am

What if I can’t do a movement?
There is a scale or progression for every movement. If there is a movement you cannot do, our coaches are skilled at providing a scale or substitute that give you a similar response to the programmed movement. We don’t expect every athlete to have a perfect push-up or pull-up, we can scale your effort so that it is one you can safely perform while getting the same athletic response.

How much is membership?
Membership to attend the Better Than Bootcamp classes is $115 per month for two classes a week, or $135 for unlimited.

Can I attend these classes if I already have a membership to Southern Strength and Conditioning or CrossFit Johns Creek?
Yes, unlimited members can attend BTB classes for now. After March 15, only the 6:00 am classes and the Tuesday 6:30 pm class are included in your membership. If you would like to attend at 9:30 am or 12:30 am a fee will be charged to your account for each class you attend. Members in hybrid/metallic membership – $10, members in a legacy membership – $15.

How do I get started?
Every athlete needs to complete some one-on-one prerequisite work with a coach to make sure you can perform the movements safely before you join a class. During these sessions, we instruct you on all of the movements you will see regularly in class to ensure you can perform each movement safely. We pack a lot into that 45 minutes of class time; while we will always demonstrate the movements, help you select your implements and correct your form as needed during class, class time does not allow for us to teach movements to newcomers during the class.

Most athletes need about three to five one-on-one sessions, depending on your experience and fitness level, to get you up to speed. Some athletes need more sessions. Each of these sessions last an hour and will instruct you in the movements, as well as, guide you through a sample workout. Your first session is free and your last session is included in your membership. The cost per session is $75. If you and a family member or friend would like to split these sessions, that is an option as well! We charge $85 for sessions with two people.

Once you are cleared by a coach, you cant attend any of the Better Than Bootcamp classes. Twice a week is $115 per month, unlimited is $135 per month. All monthly memberships include a free Inbody Body Composition analysis each month and half an hour with a scheduled 15-minute check-in meeting with every month OR a longer 30-minute session to review skills every other month.

To schedule your first free one-on-one session, complete the form below!

Better Than Bootcamp