Matt Wadsworth

Athlete of the Month

September 2016

Matt was chosen as one of the Athletes of the Month for September, along with his brother Tim. Both Tim and Matt have been training with us for years (coming up on five!) and have never missed more than a week to our recollection. That in itself is outstanding and made them an obvious choice for this recognition.

Both Tim and Matt often set the scores in the 5am class for others to chase down for the rest of the day. Matt’s score on the strength section of the workout; Tim’s on the metcon section of the workout.

He doesn’t always Rx the WODs but does when it’s right for the improvement of his fitness and how he is feeling on that given day; he scales appropriately when needed without his ego getting in the way. Matt, aka “Tiny,” always has a positive attitude and his easy-going personality and self-deprecating humor set others at easy as he towers over them. We are glad he has stuck with us all these years!


Matt Wadsworth, 44, General Manager for a Flooring Distribution Company

I had done the same workout program since my 20’s. I was gaining weight and not seeing results.  I was also extremely bored with my workouts.

My brother, Tim, started working out at CFJC and encouraged me to give it a try.  I do CrossFit now because it’s my therapy!  It’s the only hour in a day that I can shut off my brain and be physical.

FUBAR!  I laid on the floor in my bedroom for an hour with the ceiling fan on full blast!  It was a shock to realize how out of shape I was.  It gave me motivation to go back.

Working out with others, I realize I can’t have the best scores these days but I like chasing the rabbits.

I enjoy the comradery of all the athletes and being able to WOD with my brother and son.

I don’t have a proudest moment. I enjoy the process of getting better….My first muscle up, double under’s, handstand push-ups.  These are movements I never dreamed of being able to do.

My favorite movements are most of the lifts (except snatch). I wish I had trained like this in my 20’s!

My least favorite is running… it should be outlawed!

I enjoy most Hero WODs; puts things in perspective.

Least favorite is Fran… I’ve done that one enough to know I won’t do it again!

My goals in CrossFit are simple: to allow me to do things outside the gym I want to do!  I don’t want to live a sedentary life.

I kid with my daughter that the only reason I work out is a deterrent for her boyfriend!

CFJC has been great. I’ve met a lot of interesting people over the years and have enjoyed how an eclectic group of people can have a good time.

The CrossFit name can be intimidating to some but the people at CFJC make you feel right at home.

Family time, FSU Football (Go Noles), Fishing and scuba diving.

The ability to not be afraid to push my limits.

Go for it, you are not in competition with anyone at the gym. You are in competition with yourself and the coaches are there to help you win!

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