Nelish (Neil) Patel

Athlete of the Month

September 2018

Nelish became a member of CFJC in January of 2015 and has made huge strides in his fitness over that time by training consistently and working on his technique. He is almost always at the Saturday 9:30am Partner-WOD class. It’s more of a mini community event every week and he really shines when working with a partner or in a team.

He comes in, has a great attitude, takes coaching cues in stride and gets it done! It’s evident that he has been mindful of his diet and has put on a little more muscle lately. We wanted to recognize his efforts by making him Athlete of the Month. Well done Nelish!


Nelish Patel (Starbucks Name: Neil); 38 years old; President & CEO of Sai Hospitality Management Company which owns and operates 6 existing hotels across Georgia and Florida and one currently under construction. Two children: Shyam who started CrossFit kids recently is 10 and Bella who is 4 years old.

I needed a structured, class-based gym which would help me work on my technique, but also a place that provided challenging workouts that can be scaled appropriately. I think the “ah-ha” moment for me was when I was trying to squat more weight than I should have and was told that I needed to lower the weight and focus on form over weight. I love the high energy atmosphere, the comradery, the coaching and Lara & Dan’s generous use of profanity :).

I continue to come to CFJC due to the intensity of the workouts; I’m getting into the best shape of my life; I have more energy and I just feel so much better – physically and mentally. The community at CFJC also has been stand-up and always being there for one another and that’s something special. All the people here have wonderful hearts. Working out at CJFC is also a huge mental relief for me.

I don’t recall but I’m sure it was tough and I was regretting it during the WOD. After leaving and about an hour later, I felt great and looked forward to coming back.

I enjoy the workouts, loud music, community and continuous positive feedback from the coaches. I also enjoy the Saturday group WOD’s and Hero WOD’s. The Saturday group WOD’s are fun where a lot more people show up since there’s that is one of 2 classes that day.

This is a tough question but it may have to do with hitting my PR on the deadlift. I was surprised that I was able to lift that much.

Favorite – Deadlifts, pullups and kettlebell swings

Least Favorites: Wall Balls, Burpees and Front Squats

Favorite WOD – I don’t recall but would likely be one of the games workouts because you’re in a different mindset and always bring your “A” game to those WOD’s because your team is counting on you.

Least Favorite – anything with more than 10 wall balls at a time and burpees.

My goals are to get my body fat at under 14%; gain more muscle mass; as well as increasing loads on my lifts.  I would also like to get at least one ring muscle up by the end of this year. I think with all the accessory movements that have been introduced recently, it should help me get that muscle up (I hope!).

CFJC has had a profound positive impact on my personal life. From all the support from the owners and the coaches, it has been a huge help mentally and physically. Every time I come in before the workout, I may be having a horrible day due to stress; but after I’m done, I feel like a brand new person and ready to conquer any challenges I may personally or professionally face. I also think that when I bring my kids; and they see me working out, it inspires them to be physically active. I eat much healthier now because I think about all of the hard work I put into the gym. I also feel so much more energy throughout the day now except for soreness at times

I enjoy spending time with my children, traveling, reading and I’m trying to get back into playing tennis and basketball which are sports I played growing up.

It has helped me feel better. I have more energy and more endurance and I am able to resist and face some tough challenges – both physically and mentally.

Check your ego at the door, come in and don’t be intimidated at all. This is not a gym, but it’s a home with a great family to make you be a better person all around. And have an open-mind.

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