Paul Dewey

Athlete of the Month

May 2018

Paul Dewey was selected as our Athlete of the Month for May of 2018 for his consistent hard work and perseverance over the years training with us. It seems fitting that May should be HIS month as he started training with us back in May of 2013!

Like most of our Athletes of the Month, over the years Paul has been consistent and active in our community. However, Paul is a truly remarkable person and athlete having survived a life-threatening stroke a little over a year ago. While some of us whine about training being hard and struggling with weights or a movement; Paul has had to overcome a lot more than that and I’ve not once heard him complain. He is truly an inspiration!


My name is Paul Dewey and I’m 53 years old. I’m an institutional Acquisition Manager for Simpson Housing.

I was an avid runner but I was always getting injured. A neighbor of mine was a member at CrossFit Johns Creek and suggested I try it out. It didn’t take long before I was hooked. CrossFit has gotten me in the best shape and I haven’t had the injuries like when I was just running.

I do it now because it helps me stay healthy and fit. I had a stroke a little over a year ago. Even after the stroke it has helped me stay healthy and it helps to push me mentally.

My first WOD involved burpees and kettlebell swings. I was exhausted when I finished.

I most enjoy the community and camaraderie. After my stroke, many of my CrossFit friends, neighbors and running friends helped organize a 5K race named The Dewey Dash, to help toward  my medical bills. We had a really good turnout!

I was so excited when I got my first muscle up. I had been working on it for about 2 years.

I really enjoy deadlifting.

I have difficulties with the snatch because of my mobility issues.

My favorite WOD is Helen because it involves running and is a fast one.

My least favorite WOD is Fran of course!!!

In 2 years, I would like to be back to where I was pre-stroke.

CrossFit saved my life! During the process of recovering from my stroke, CrossFit has motivated me and given me the push to get stronger.

I spend my time working on my deficiencies that resulted from my stroke. I’m a huge soccer fan and enjoy watching Atlanta United play. I enjoy spending time with my three daughters. My oldest daughter, Morgan, is at the University of Louisville. Amanda and Caroline both play soccer.

Post stroke it has changed my goals and attitude ad I want more out of life.

The work outs can be scaled to each person’s ability and level.

Yes! I’m lucky to have found CrossFit Johns Creek and that stroke victims can do CrossFit!!

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