Rob Snellings

Athlete of the Month

January 2019

Rob Snellings was selected for our Athlete of the Month for January 2019. He is the perfect fit for the first member of the month for the new year based on the big changes he has made over time, some just over the last year.

Rob started with us back in March of 2014. His weight loss started before he came to us but has continued with us; he has now lost over 100 lbs. and at the same time he has added weight to the bar and improved his movements. He continues to be a steady part of our community, scales movements smartly, and is still striving to work on movements that aren’t where he wants them.

Over the last year he changed jobs to enter a very physical profession – tree work – which is something he may not have been able to consider in the past. He has really blossomed (pun intended) with his new profession and has a really great attitude.

Great work Rob! We are happy to see your growth and be part of your journey. (Now… about those baking posts that you torment us with…)


My name is Rob. I am 39 years old. I am a former chef turned tree care specialist.

I was actually tricked into starting CrossFit by the woman I was seeing at the time. I thought we were going to one of the big Globo Gyms and the next thing I know, she’s driving into the parking lot of a CrossFit Box.

I continue to go because CrossFit, especially CrossFit Johns Creek, has become a part of my life. Not just the health aspect, but the community surrounding the box.

My first ever WOD was very scaled. Very light weights and very basic movements. I kept thinking, “Why do people say CrossFit is so tough? This is easy!”

And then my intro classes ended…

There is so much, that I can’t say there is ONE specific aspect of CrossFit that is best. There’s the variety of workouts, the way CrossFit keeps you striving to better yourself, the community of amazing (albeit slightly crazy) people, the challenges of many of the WODs, the “barbell therapy”…there is too much to list.

I can’t pinpoint just one. You are continually trying to get better and you constantly accomplish something new that makes you proud.

I went from being proud of sticking with CrossFit, to hitting a deadlift PR of 425#. That accomplishment was eclipsed by coming in 2nd place at the Battle of Johns Creek with my awesome team (GO Steel Donuts!!), and that was surpassed by completing the 2000 Kettlebell swing challenge.

Most recently though, my proudest accomplishment was completing the Hero WOD, Chad.

My favorite movement is the Clean and Jerk.

My least favorite movement is a pull-up. It’s the bane of my existence. You will know when I get my pull-ups because Hell will be frozen over.

Most Favorite – I have a love/hate relationship with Fight Gone Bad. It loves to hate me and I hate that I love it.

Least Favorite – 12 Days of Christmas (ANY version). Just…no

Win the Masters Division at the 2040 CrossFit Games and earn the title: “Fittest Man (60+) on Earth” (I’m coming for you, Dave Hippensteel!!)


There are pull-ups in the CrossFit Games??

Damn you, pull-ups!

My father had many heart related health issues. By the time he was my age, he had 2 heart attacks. My father’s side of my family has cardiac related health issues.

Less than 10 years ago, I was morbidly obese and weighed over 350# (stopped weighing myself when I hit that mark, so I am not sure what my heaviest weight ended up being).

I’m not sure what happened or why it happened, but I just wanted to change. I knew I had to change. I tried working out my own and I saw some minimal results. It was only after joining CrossFit that I saw real results and I felt that I really was improving my health.

I may still have to deal with cardiac issues…can’t beat genetics…BUT, I know CrossFit has helped keep those issues at bay.

Baking…and torturing CFJC members by posting my bakes on social media!

CrossFit is a constant reminder that I am mentally tougher than I give myself credit for. Nothing proves that more than finishing a Hero WOD or an Endurance WOD.

Do not let your fear of trying CrossFit hold you back.

You come in that first day, there’s a fear of a new place, new people, this weird way of working out…

But, once you lace up your shoes and walk through those doors, it gets easier from there.

The “new place” slowly becomes your “happy place.”

The “new people” slowly become acquaintances then really close friends and family (sometimes the family part is literal!)

The “weird workouts” are actually varied, and help promote self improvement…that you actually like!!

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