Urmila Tawar
Athlete of the Month
April 2019
Urmilla Tawar – aka Urmi – is our Athlete of the Month for April 2019!
Urmi has been training with us for about two and a half years. She came to us from another CrossFit gym in Canada and had just moved here. Urmi quickly integrated herself into our community, is an active part in all our events and quickly gained a group of friends in her new locale.
Urmi comes early, stays late, and works on a variety of skills to become a better athlete. We love how she has taken her fitness earned while training with us and applied it to a sport! We are proud of her accomplishments and thought this should be her month for recognition due to her ranking in her most recent USA Bolt Kettlebell competition. She received a pro ranking in KT1 and placed first in the nation for the Snatch, Jerk, and Clean and Jerk with a 16kg kettlebell.
Knowing Urmi and her dogged determination and work ethic, we are pretty sure there is a lot more to come!

Urmila Tawar, I am 41 years old, wife and mother of two beautiful children and currently a Stay at Home Mom (taking a break from being a scientist).
Pregnancy hormones had wreaked a havoc on my joints and left me with limited mobility and constant joint pain. I was only doing Pilates at that point but that wasn’t enough for me (I was getting bored) and wanted something more. My introduction to CrossFit came through a friend whose transformation was unbelievable. Talking to her gave me hope that I could do something based on my abilities and needs. It was the best decision I made and I couldn’t be happier about it.
After 3 years, I am still at it and what keeps me going is that every day is a new challenge and the changes I have seen in myself over the years would not have happened if I hadn’t walked in through the doors of my first CrossFit Box.
“I SURVIVED!” – these were my exact words after my first WOD. It was such a great feeling that even though I couldn’t run, jump or lift anything heavy, every movement was scalable and adapted to where I was and I wanted more of that.
I love that the workouts are never boring and every day you get to work on something new and different. When you reach a goal, there is always something more to work for. There is no limit to what you can achieve.
Hmmm… There are so many.. My first box jump, my first rope climb, a handstand kick to the wall etc.. For me, every time I did something that I thought I wasn’t capable of made me proud. The most recent proud moment was when I finished a 1 mile run in less than 9 minutes (It might not be the fastest time but for me it was such a great moment since three years ago I couldn’t run 100m).
Deadlifts and Squats are my favorite movements; I am always smiling when I see those in a workout. The least favorite movement would be Cleans and Double-unders (although I am getting better at them).
I don’t really have a favorite or least favorite WOD but “MURPH” would be something that I really like and I hope to do it Rx one day.
I would really love to get my Pull Ups and strict Handstand Push-ups. I am working on these and I hope by the end of this year I will be able to say I did it!!!!
Coming from a different box from a different country, I was looking for a Box where I belonged. My first box was amazing but CFJC turned out to be my second Home. CFJC has made me stronger physically and mentally. I am more confident in taking on new challenges and deal with everyday life with a great attitude. I love that we contribute to Community in every way we can and I love being part of that.
The friendships that I gained continue outside of the gym and we have had great adventures together and I look forward to continue making memories.
CFJC also introduced me to my new favorite sport: Kettlebell – how could I leave that out?! 🙂
I love hanging out with my family and friends, travelling and exploring new places and hiking with my CFJC girls.
I had always been an active person and not being able to do things I loved to do (sports, biking, hiking) made me depressed and I was frustrated. CrossFit has changed my life completely and I feel prepared to take on new challenges which I would not have thought about doing until a few years ago.
From personal experience I can say that CrossFit can be intimidating from far but once you walk through the doors of CFJC, you will realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.
CFJC is an awesome place with great coaches who are there to help you achieve your goals and work with you based on your abilities. And sometimes when a coach tells you to drop the weight or scale a movement, just listen to them (they know what they are doing).
Also, the community is amazing, and you will not feel out of place even when you walk in the doors for the very first time.
Everyone in a Crossfit gym has their own struggles and everyone is working on them one day at a time. Don’t be intimidated if you see someone doing a muscle up or lifting heavy, just know that you will get there and all you need you to do is to keep working. Hard work always pays off and even if you suffer setbacks, always remember that it’s a process and NEVER GIVE UP.
SHOW UP and DO THE WORK, rest will follow.