Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes

Part 1 – Skill/Strength:

Performance: Squat – working off your estimated 1RM (see a coach if you don’t know how to estimate it), perform 1 set of 3 reps at 75%, 1 set of 3 reps at 80%, 1 set of 3 reps at 85%. Please spot each other on the second and third sets. The last rep of the last set may be a slow grinder but this should be a weight where you could get one more rep if you absolutely had to.

Fitness: Squat 5×5 @ RPE 7 with 30 sit-throughs between sets

Part 2 – Conditioning: “Spice Boy”

Performance: For max reps – 3 rounds at each movement before rotating.  :40s for Max Reps, :20s Rest

  • Row for Calories
  • Wall ball (20/14lb)
  • Sit-ups
  • KB Swings (24/16k)

Fitness: For max reps – 3 rounds at each movement before rotating.  :40s for Max Reps, :20s Rest

  • Row for Calories
  • Wall ball
  • Sit-ups
  • KB Swings