
This WOD is in honor and for the most part originates from suggestions from CFJC athlete, Chuck “McEnroe ” Lia, who celebrates his 150th WOD with us.

This WOD lasts for the duration of this infamous song from 1968. Our younger crowd may be hearing it for the first time…

Count all reps of all exercises for a total score. Each exercise consists of a max-reps effort for 2 minutes separated by 30 seconds of burpees.

Deadlift (95/65lb)
KB Swing (24/16)
Dumbbell complex* (30+/20+)
Box jumps (24″/20″)
Wall Balls (20/14lb)
Mountain climbers

Each rep of the dumbbell complex consists of: L row/R row, push-up, clean, push-press
