Warm up: 2-in-3 (for 30 secs each for 2 minutes) of hollow body holds & air squats

Mobility: Shoulders -2 min ea. (video)

  1. barbell shoulder smash
  2. pec minor – “lax ball rub out”
  3. banded Internal Rotation


Pull-up tests:
1) Without coming off the bar, can you do STRICT Pull-ups? Goal for men is 3 – goal for women is 1 – This is a pass/fail and is not for max reps
2) If you passed the first test, how many pull-ups (kipping allowed) can you do? (60 second time cap)

10 min of skill work: In this order: Hollow body hold/rocks, hollow body hold from the rack, hanging leg levers, Holds on rings, knee-up on rings, L-sit on rings

Then, for time (inspired from “Prairie Fire” by CFNE)

  • 12-10-8-6-4-2 Push-ups
  • 2-4-6-8-10-12 Power Cleans (135/85lb)

Advanced option (for athletes who have 15 or more unbroken HSPU): Sub HSPU for first movement, up weight for Power Cleans to 155/105lb

