Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes

Part 1 – Skill/Strength:

Performance: 5×1 Power Position Clean + 1 hang clean from the knee (not below) + 1 Power Clean from the floor. Bar can be dropped and a quick reset for the final lift of the complex. Climb in weight for each working set.

Fitness: 5×5 Power Clean at 6 RPE + 20 hollow rocks (or 20-30s hollow body hold)

Part 2 – Conditioning: “Ornacia”

Performance: AMRAP 18* min of:

  • 5 Power Clean at 70%
  • 7 Toes-To-Bar
  • 9 Wall Ball (20/14lb)

*E2MOM Run 100m shuttle run

Fitness: AMRAP 18* min of:

  • 5 Hang PCs at 5RPE
  • 9 Knee-ups or Sit-ups
  • 9 WB

*E2MOM run 100m shuttle run