Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes
Part 1 – Skill/Strength:
Performance and Fitness: Jerk – skill and work up with coach for WOD weight
Part 2 – Conditioning: “Beef Jerky Time” – score is total of max reps on jump rope work
Performance: Rx level (Rx is ON)
On a 2:00 minute clock
- 7 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105lb)
- 3 Burpee-Muscle Up
- Double Unders for max reps with remainder of time
Rest 2 minutes, Repeat for a total of 4 rounds
Intermediate level
On a 2:00 minute clock
- 7 Shoulder to Overhead @RPE 7
- 7 Strict Pull-ups (scale to kipping when needed)
- Double-unders for max reps with remainder of time (scale to single unders)
Rest 2 minutes, Repeat for a total of 4 rounds
On a 2:00 minute clock
- 7 Strict press RPE 6
- 7 Ring Row (at hardest position)
Single-unders for max reps with remainder of time
Rest 2 minutes, Repeat for a total of 4 rounds