Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes
Conditioning: “Filthy 50”
Performance: For time:
- 50 Box jump (24/20″)
- 50 Jumping pull-ups
- 50 Kettlebell swings (24/16k)
- 50 Walking Lunge steps (L+R=2)
- 50 Knees to elbows
- 50 Push press (45/35lb)
- 50 Back extensions
- 50 Wall balls (20/14lb)
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Double-unders
RX is ON
Fitness: For time:*
- 50 Box jump
- 50 Jumping pull-ups
- 50 Kettlebell swings
- 50 Walking Lunge steps (L+R=2)
- 50 Knee-ups
- 50 Push press
- 50 Back extensions or supermans
- 50 Wall balls
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Single-Unders
*Option to do two rounds of 25 reps each