It was raining as I drove in this morning and the weather called for thunderstorms later, so we changed the WOD. It is now:
“Odd Tabata Intervals”
Perform Tabata intervals of the following:
- Row (for calories)
- Grasshoppers (L+R=1)
- Squats
- Push-ups
- One armed KB swings* (24/16k)
*Switch arms between each work interval.
Tabata intervals are 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Perform 8 intervals before moving on to the next. You have one minute to switch between exercises.
Your score for each exercise is the lowest reps (or calories rowed) during a work interval for a given exercise. Add up your score for each exercise to get you total score.
—–we will save this one for a sunny day—-
Max reps in two minutes of double-unders.
Then, for time – “Hammertime”
- 20/20 Sledgehammer swings (16lb)
- 200m Waiter walk with 35/25lb dumbbell
- 25m Lunge with plate locked overhead (45/25lb)
- 30/30 Sledgehammer swings
- 200m Waiter walk
- 50m Lunge
- 40/40 Sledgehammer swings
- 200m Waiter walk
- 75m Lunge