Strength: 7 rounds – increase the weight for each round if possible.
1 Strict Press
1 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
When your strict press maxes out, continue with your push press and push jerk. When your push press leaves, continue with your push jerk. Your strength score is your highest weight.
Then, “CFJC Benchmark”
For time:
- Run 400 (run once only)
Then three rounds (no break, you are on the clock) of:
- 5 Pull-ups
- 10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16k)
- 10 Burpees
Beginners: Scale to assisted pull ups or holds, lighter KB swings, and 5-7 burpees
Advanced – For athletes who already have a Rx’ed CFJC Benchmark time of less than 5 minutes: Scale up to use 70/53lb KB and perform 2 minute double-under test immediately after completion of WOD (this becomes part of your score).