Skill: Proper form for the plank and the push-up Then, AMRAP 20 minutes of: 10 Push-up 10 Goblet squat (24/16k) 10 Sit-up For each round after the 1st round, add 10 Sit-ups. Finisher: Maximum [...]
Strength: Bench Press – 5 sets of 5. Make your last set your heavy work set. Then, 15 minute AMRAP of: 15 Toes to bar 15 Box jumps (24/20″) 10 Renegade rows (50/35lb) – L+R=1
Strength: Squat – warm up to heavy weight and perform 3 work sets with 5 reps at the same weight Then, AMRAP 10 minutes: 10 Wall balls (20/14 lb) 10 Double-unders
Strength: Deadlift – warm it up and then do 3 sets of 5 at the same weight. We will be working on FORM and making sure we start each lift at a DEAD stop. Then, 4 rounds for time of: Run [...]
Eight rounds for time of: 10 KB swings (24/16k… but upgrading is encouraged) 10 Overhead lunges with plate (45/25lb) 10 Push-ups Finisher: Max-hold L-sit on parellettes with heels above [...]
As a ladder, for time (ladder= first work through it sequentially then reverse the order) 10 HDPU 15 Wall balls (20/14lb) 20 KB swings (24/16k) 25 Deadlifts (185/135lb) 100 Double-unders