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I listen to TED talks a lot and I randomly ran into this one a few months ago. The Other 23 Project got me thinking about it again. What habits other than exercise can you practice to live a long healthy life? There is ONE that has been shown to have the LARGEST impact and it’s not probably what you think!

Be an active part of Community. Social isolation in today’s society is all too common but this doesn’t just mean have a couple close friends.

There is research to suggest that being part of a community is THE MOST important criteria to living a long life. That is, the more people you interact with, no matter how casual that interaction – it could be saying hello to the person making your coffee, the longer you live. Simply making eye contact with people changes our body chemistry! (Social media doesn’t count, watch the video!)

Here’s the video of the TED talk by Susan Pinker about how absolutely important community is to our longevity. If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, fast forward to 08:17. We are lucky to have such a great community at CFJC!