Anastasiya DoxseyManager / CrossFit Level 2 Coach

    Although Anastasiya was very active growing up, later in life her activity level drastically changed. After she moved to the USA, she gained weight and felt out of shape. After over 10 years of a sedentary lifestyle, she decided that it was time for a change and started to look for options.

    She tried the “globo gym” and could never stay motivated. She came across some a CrossFit website, read about it, and soon after joined CrossFit John Creek.

    Even today I think it was one of the best decisions I made in life. CrossFit taught me how to set goals, celebrate small victories, don’t get discouraged by setbacks, and never give up. I also made some of the best friends thru CrossFit community.

    She wanted to be a coach to make a difference in other people lives. Anastasiya enjoys helping people achieve their goals, set new PRs, and get skills they never thought they could do!

    Over the years Anastasiya has received several professional certifications: CrossFit Level 2 Trainer, CrossFit Gymnastics, and Olympic Lifting.

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